25 January 2008

Straight From Heaven

Here are some newborn pictures of Cooper Justin Milne just one day old. Pretty sweet isn't he? He was born February 11, 2007 at 8:18pm. He was 8lbs 2oz and 22" long. He was due January 28 (yeah, tell me about it) but decided to come a little bit late. The labor was ok but a little scary because his heart rate kept going down and would't come back up during contractions. Luckily he came quick so we didn't have to do a c-section but afterwards the doctor found a knot in the umbilical cord (scary!). Apparently when he was tiny he did some sort of acrobat in my tummy. Luckily it didn't cause any problems. He has been such a good baby and so well mannered. We are so lucky! Hard to believe it's been almost a year.


JACK!E said...

Yea, I am still the first one to leave a comment; I tried the other night and it wouldn't take it. Your slide show is the cutest! I love all those black and whites of Cooper. You are in the hospital in this picture? Can we say MODEL!?! You look really good. :)