07 February 2012


I registered coop for Kindergarten yesterday. What?! Where did all that time go? I can't believe he is big enough to be going to real school. I don't think the reality of it will set in until I actually walk him to class the first day but I can't say that it's something I am looking forward to. I know it will be good but, oh my! What's he going to learn? From the teacher and the other kids. Mostly the other kids. Well, here goes. My babies actually are growing up!


Chelsea said...

I have been going though the EXACT same thing this week. And who the freak does the school think they are trying to tell ME that I have to have my kid there at certain dates and times??? I feel so rebellious about all the "rules." I am the boss of Brooklyn. It all feels so unnatural!

Andrea said...

its so hard to send them. I think I cried the whole first week of Hayden and I'm sure I'm going to cry sending hailey. I haven't had to register her yet so its not setting in for me. I wish she could just stay home forever.

I mailed Cooper's present today. Let me know if you get it.