29 March 2009

Coop bein' crazy-Justin had his sunglasses on his head like this so he had to do the same thing. Seriously-I really do have a mini Justin! FYI it was BBQ/karaoke at our friends house, we don't usually listen to Johnny Cash just for fun =)

Cooper and his girlfriend

Cooper's first love? You never know! He thinks Baby Kate is the cutest thing ever. He loves to hold her and even shared his dancing bunny. Who knows, we might actually be related to Mike and Becky someday!

A visit from...

Great Grandma Olsen!

Uncle Dave, Cindy, Cooper, Grandma Olsen

Awesome rocking motorcycles at the Harley store. He's a natural

My grandma, uncle, and his wife came from Oregon to visit. It was so fun! Cooper has never met them and we haven't seen them since I was prego with Coop. They only stayed 2 days and completely missed the 75 degree weather =( but we still had a good time. Cooper loved having everyone at our house. He has been asking to see Grandma Olsen and wondering where they went since they left. Poor kid is stuck with just me now and I think he gets a little bored! We went to the Harley Davidson store, Justin took Dave and Cindy shooting in the mountains (pretty much what Dave came for. He has an elephant gun that gave even Justin a bruise!), Sundance, and just got to hang out. Cooper has 7 Grandma's and this was the only one he hadn't met yet. We wish they were closer but hope they will come again soon. Love you guys!

13 March 2009

Baby Update

I had my 6mo (holy moly it's gone by so fast!) appt last week and thought I'd give you an update on what's going on with our baby. I guess really nothing new, the dr said it should be just a normal delivery and he doesn't expect any complications due to the birth defects. We actually canceled the appt with the perinatologist (specialist) because we didn't feel that he was going to tell us anything we didn't already know and he said it was pretty much optional to come in. I really wanted to get another ultrasound just to see but since our maternity co-pay is $7500 we couldn't really justify it just for curiosity sake. So, everything else is good. She's growing normally and will hopefully come on time! Cooper was 2 weeks late so we'll see but we are going to Bear Lake 2 weeks after she's due so she better not be too late!
I also decided to switch doctors after my last appt. I have really liked him up until that appt and then I brought up wanting to do a natural delivery (scary! anybody who has advice feel free to give it!) and he acted like it would be a real inconvenience for him and he just kind of blew it off. He's really nice, I just think we want my delivery to go 2 completely separate ways. He wants convenient and fast and I want as little medication, forcepts, c-section etc as possible. I promise I'm not one of those crazy have my kids at home kind of people! I wanted to wait as long as I could for an epidural with Cooper to. We'll see how it goes! I just can't wait until she gets here. Sometimes I want her here so bad it hurts ya know? But on the other hand it has gone by so dang fast and we still have so much to do! All in time I guess

Typical Big Brother

So, last night Cooper ran into our closet to hide (this happens a lot at bedtime and he thinks it's so funny!) and this was the conversation...
Me: "Who's hiding?"
Cooper: "Ava!"
Poor girl isn't even here yet and he's already blaming stuff on her! I have a feeling that won't be the last time it happens...

04 March 2009

2 year Pics

I really can't believe he's TWO! It has gone by so fast and he is learning so many things. He really does make us laugh everyday with all the things that he says. Today I told him the birds pooped on our truck and he insisted on seeing it and kept saying over and over, "Birds pooped truck. wash it" And then he'd laugh and say, "No, no birds!" I heard about it all day long and I don't think I'll hear the end of it until I wash it off! The mind of a 2yr old...I love it!

He looked pretty innocent in these pics but don't let him fool you. That poor bear got tossed around more in the 20 min we were there than it probably has been in its whole life!

03 March 2009

Pay It Forward

{The Rules}
1. Be one of the first THREE bloggers to leave a comment on this post, which then entitles you to a handmade item from me~something crafty or yummy, who knows?!
2. Winners must post this challenge on their blog, meaning that they will 'Pay It Forward,' creating a handmade gift~anything, for the first THREE bloggers who leave a comment on their post about this giveaway!
3. The gift that you send to your friends can be from any price range and you have 365 days to make/ship your item. This means you should be willing to maintain your blog at least until you receive your gift and have shipped your gifts.
♥ ♥ ♥
I have found this on a few of my friends blogs (and I've been lucky enough to leave a comment on all of them!) so I figured I better get it on my blog. I don't know what it will be, if you leave a comment and have a request-feel free otherwise it's a free for all! Have Fun!