14 January 2012

That's why Heavenly Father sent me

During the holidays Cooper was helping me make caramel for turtles while Ava was asleep and we were just talking about stuff. I don't even remember what now. But he started talking about how he is good at fixing things (which he is) and was telling me that if we had a flat tire then he could probably fix it for me since he has helped Dad so many times. And if he had the muscle to do it I have no doubt that he would. He continued about how he was strong and can fix stuff for me and then he said, "That's why Heavenly Father sent you boys Mom. So they could take care of girls. That's why Heavenly Father sends boys." True, true. My four year old knows something lots of boys don't. I remind him about that sometimes when he is bugging Ava. One of the best conversations I've ever had. Now if we can just help him to remember that the rest of his life I think we'll be ok!


Andrea said...

aww that is cute. I was just looking at some bear lake pictures of coop in the pool. It got me really excited for this summer.