05 February 2009

IT'S A...


Our cute little girl's profile
We had our 20wk ultrasound yesterday and found out that we are going to be having a little girl! We are so excited and I do know what we are going to name her but I will let that be a surprise for when she is born.
During the ultrasound we also found out that our precious little girl is going to have some very tough times ahead of her. Hopefully I will be able to write all of this and still see the computer screen! The ultrasound went fine and when she was about finished she asked if there was anything she hadn't looked at that we wanted to see. I couldn't think of anything and was ready to jump up but Justin asked about her arms. It hadn't occured to me that we hadn't yet seen them. I just figured it was because of how she was laying. When she looked around for a little bit she said, "Ok Lindy, let me just explain some of the things I saw" I knew something was wrong. Apparently her arms have not developed normally. She has one arm that goes to her elbow with 2 fingers on it. The other arm is shorter, they are not sure by how much but it looks like about half the size and it was too hard to see whether or not she will have fingers on that arm. She called over to the hospital and got us in with a specialist and a second ultrasound to verify what she had seen. She just said she hoped that she had made a mistake but I knew she hadn't.
The Specialist looked at the second x-ray and then did one of his own and explained again what he saw to us. They don't know what the cause is or why it happened. Justin's brother actually, from what we can see on the ultrasound, has about exactly the same thing. It is very rare and they don't think that it is genetic but Justin and I have a feeling genes might have something to do with it. I know I hadn't taken any medication since being pregnant but I was teriffied it was because I hadn't taken prenatal pills all that great but he assured us that definitley wasn't it. Wee are thankful that everything else looks ok. It's comforting to have Justin's brother in the family because he can do everything so that helps us know that she probably will be able to also.
I don't think all of the tears are necessarily dried, although today has been much easier than yesterday. Thanks to our family and friends who are so supportive and loving. We know that this is Heavenly Father's plan and are just thankful for the opportunity to have this sweet little girl come into our lives. It's hard for me to ask for things but I will ask for your prayers in behalf of our baby. We are ok but we are just praying that she will have the strength of spirit and character to get through all of the struggles we know she will inevitably endure. Again thanks to those who are constantly lifting us up. We love you all


JACK!E said...

Lindy you are so special and such a good mom. I know this very sweet spirit chose you to guide her through this life for a reason. Nobody else will be albe to do what you will do for her. I love you.

Andrea said...

I am so happy you're having a girl. I will call you and we will chat. Interesting that justin asked about her arms because jason asked on hayden and hailey too. I guess justin didn't agree on the name you like? or are you not sure yet?

{Anne} said...

Lindy what a wonderful blessing to have such a special spirit join your family. She is coming to the right home and the right parents. She will have all the oppurtunities in the world and I know you will provide those for her. Congratulations on a girl! You will love dressing her up and all the pink will be a fun change. You are in our prayers!!!

Teri said...

Lindy and Justin we love you guys she will be beautiful, I know what it's like to hear concern's about your child, but I can tell you with assurance that those concern's end up being the biggest blessings in your life. I'm sure you already know that. :o)Lindy you will be so cute with your little girl!

Mandi said...

You absolutely didn't do anything wrong. She's meant to be this way and we'll love her for it. She's going to be so spoiled! Love the pics... she definitely wanted you to know she's a girl! And the profile looks Cooperish, don't you think?

I feel guilty for feeling sad, but then I think it's okay to mourn the loss of what we'd hoped for. The tears don't mean we want her any less. Nobody expects you to be strong right now. Call if you need anything.

Natalie said...

Mandi told me about your ultrasound. Congrats on your baby girl. How exciting. I'm sorry for the news you heard, but she'll be precious no matter what. Did you know you are due 3 days before me? We find out what we are having today. I couldn't sleep last night because I just kept thinking of you. Hang in there.

Wakefield Family said...

Lindy you know special children are only sent to very special parents. Heavenly Father knows you two are incrediable and will be able to handle the world. I will be praying or that cute little girl:) Her Profile is just beautiful.

Kimbra said...

Lindy you will be such a good mom to this special little girl!! She is so lucky to have such loving parents and I KNOW that she will bless your lives in so many ways that you can't even imagine!!

Justin and Coralie said...

I love the ultrasounds and congratulations on your little girl. She really has such wonderful parents and is going to be blessed to have such a fun big brother too. We will keep her (and you) in our prayers. The Lord somehow knows what we can handle (even when we think we can't handle it).

Alexis said...

Congrats on having a girl. I think that you guys will be awesome parents and the way you treat her will help build her confidence. We will pray that her arms will be functional and that she will be able to use them. There are some pretty incrediable people out there that have similar situations and they live amazing lives.

bevans said...

She couldn't ask for a better, sweeter mom. Katelyn is excited to have a friend.