19 February 2009

LiOnS, and TiGeRs, and BeArS- OH MY!

Alright, it was just lions but still pretty cool right? Justin had to go to Vegas for work so Coop and I decided to hitch a ride since we always miss Justin and we needed a break from the snow. While we were there Justin went to somebody's house who worked with the lions at the MGM, he actually got attacked a few weeks ago-yeah, while people were watching! Scary! But anyway, he told us that they feed them at 8pm every night and to go because that's the only time they do anything, otherwise they sleep. So, we took Coop and went. He loved it! The crew throws balls of ground meat at the glass right in front of the kids so the lions lick it off and they get to see them. He thought it was pretty funny. Sticking a meat soaked hand in a lions mouth wouldn't exactly be my dream job but it was pretty cool to watch and no one was attacked while we were there!
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This is supposed to be a video of them feeding the lion but I'm not what you would call 'computer savvy' so I guess it will just be a pic (Jackie I will probably be giving you a call!)
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We also made a few trips to the park while Justin was working. Not exactly warm, but so nice ot get some sun and be outside! Thanks Todd and Kim for lettin us crash at your house. Don't you love how Coop goes down the slide? He puts the skids on if he gets going too fast! =)


Andrea said...

those lions are crazy. that looks like tons of fun. We were playing outside w/o coats. The weather is hit and miss here right now, but way better than snow. It'll be nice and in the 60s and then it rains.

Justin and Coralie said...

Jaden would have loved that ! how fun! We'll have to get together and play again soon

Kim said...

I just posted about us being there!! Have I invited you to see our blog? If not email me-kimbraithwaite@gmail.com your email.

Andrea said...

I could totally understand him. i wish i would've been able to answer the phone. how are you feeling? you need to post some tummy pics.

Justin and Lindy said...

I've been thinking about doing some prego pics but everytime I take a picture I say nevermind! Maybe soon