My aunt's friend, Kimbra, played around with her camera and took pics of Ava and they turned out pretty dang cute! It helps that she's so cute though. Thanks Kimbra!
23 July 2009
2 Week Follow Up
Weight: 7lbs 11oz 10th percentile
Head Circ: 37cm 50th percentile
We went to Ava's 2 week follow up (she is actually 3 weeks old) and she's doing great! She has gained abt a lb since she was born-FINALLY a kid that eats! and is getting stronger and more alert all the time. We got a referral for the geneticists but when I called to make the appt they don't have any availability until this time next year-Wow! They must be busy. So we won't know more about the genetic part of things until then. She also has mrks on her forehead, eye, and nose that I thought was bruising but it hasn't gone away so I asked the dr about it and she said it was an 'Angel kiss'. It is just thin skin that you can see the capillaries through. It will go away as she gets older. I'm pretty sure my sister who passed away was the one that gave it to her! Just a good luck kiss on the way out of heaven right? =)
I said I would update on her arms and how that is all going. When she was born everything was pretty much as we suspected as far as the length and number of fingers on each arm. When they laid her on my tummy after she was born we noticed that one of her fingers on her left arm (they were both tiny-I will post pics) was just hanging by a thread pretty much. It turns out that it wasn't functional so they decided to remove it. We cried for a little bit about the loss but were just thankful that everything else was ok. Other than that it is good. Her right arm is about half the length of a normal arm with 2 fingers on it and her left arm is about a quarter of the length with just the one little finger now. We just love her so much and hope that she will be able to do as much as Justin's brother. I am so glad that we knew before hand because it made it much easier but sometimes when I am holding her I am overcome with what challenges might be in store for this sweet little girl. I am still so grateful for all of the prayers on our behalf. It has made it much easier. We are just thankful that she is dong well!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 3:21 PM 3 comments
Bear Lake Baby!
We survived our annual trip to Bear Lake once again! Even with a 2 week old baby. It was awesome and Coop had a blast with all the family he had to play with. He was pretty sad when we got home actually. Check out Ava's little swimmy. Cute huh? I didn't get as many pics as I wanted because it felt like I was feeding babies most of the time but here are a few. I even got to wakeboard so it was great. I'm always sad to leave but we'll be back next year... =)
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Happy Independence Day
We had a great 4th! Justin and Cooper went to the big parade, we had a bbq, picked fresh peas, hung out with fam, and watched the fireworks! We are grateful for the opportunity to live in this great country!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 3:09 PM 0 comments
05 July 2009
Ava Marne
June 28, 2009
6lbs 12oz
Some of our visitors
One of my best friends from high school had her baby the day after me and was in the room across the hall. We couldn't have planned it better!
Birth Story~if anyone is interested
I know some people will be curious to know if I really went through with an all natural delivery and I'm proud to say...Yes! We did it! Thank goodness labor wasn't too long otherwise it would have been a little more difficult. Justin had been out of town camping (I know, it sounds bad but he wasn't far away and I figured I'd be late so I wasn't too worried) so I was all ready to sleep in with no kids at home, but plans changed a little! My water broke at 6:45am so I called Justin and told him to come home. I just started washing clothes and getting last minute stuff done so it would be ready for when we got home. Justin got home about 8am with Cooper who had been sick all night =( We just hung out at home because I only had a few contractions. I started to get a little worried because she wasn't moving very much so we called my Mom to come over. She got there about 2:30 and the contractions started to get closer together and more intense. We got to the hospital at about 3pm and they hooked me up to the monitors just to make sure everything was alright, which it was so they took me off of them so I was able to move around. I was dilated to a 5 when we got there. I was surprised because I hadn't had too many contractions. We were able to just hang out in between contractions and then when one would come Justin would push on my back as hard as he could because most of the pain was in my back which helped a lot! He was a dang good coach actually. After a few hours they got really intense and much closer together. They hooked me up to the monitors again and all of a sudden the contractions were VERY close together and VERY intense so I was pretty much begging to get off the monitors and into the tub. They came and took me off a few minutes later but it felt like forever and I was able to get in the tub. I was hoping it would take all of the pain away (ha, ha) but it definitely helped. I was in there for a few contractions and then I had to push so the midwife made me get out (we weren't such great friends at that point!) I didn't want to have her in the tub but when you are in pain it's so hard to move! So I was able to get to the bed and about a half hour later she was here! Pushing-not so much fun but thankfully it didn't last very long. She's perfect and adorable and healthy. We are so in love with her it's not even funny! I will tell you more about her arms and all those details a little later since this post is forever long. Thanks to all those who have helped us this past week! We love our little girl!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 4:05 PM 14 comments
Daddy Time
Coop and Justin went on the annual June Safari with the guys in Justin's fam. This is what they did on my due date. I'm sure Coop loved every minute of it. Before he got on the horse he asked, "Horses buck us off?" We went to the rodeo the week before. He was a little worried but once he found out they were nice horses he was in for a ride!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Top of the 'D'
Justin and his bro derick entered the men's doubles tennis tourny for Strawberry Days and won first place in the 'D' Division! Me, Cooper, and Derick's fiance Sheryl were there to cheer them on when they got their trophies! Maybe next year Wimbledon...
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 3:50 PM 0 comments
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