27 February 2008

The Good Old Days

This was so fun! Alexis and I were good friends in high school, I pretty much lived at their house my junior year, but I got married, she got married and moved out of state and we pretty much just got old and lost contact. I was lucky enough to find her on facebook right before she came out to Utah for a visit. So we hung out at her parents house just like 'the good old days' and reminisced about high school, boyfriends, and the usual girl talk. It's always fun to find old friends.


JACK!E said...

I "Parade Of My Home" tagged you. Check my blog to see the slideshow and make your own.

Alexis said...

That was a lot of fun. I just wish that I lived closer to hang out more often. I'm excited to keep in touch now that we have found eachother!

[Morgan] said...

Lindy! Of course I remember you! Your little Cooper is super darling! I'm glad you are doing well! Oh and yes, I LOVE Walmart, so great! Actually of all my favorite jammies, those ones are my favorite! Hope you don't mind me stopping by frequently...

Jessica said...

This is Jess (your other older sister)! I WAS SUPER sad that I wasn't able to come over when you came over to my parents house. My two kids take their naps around the time you were there! I didn't know that you had a blog! I have one too if you wish to check it out. I have it set on private so you will have to give me your e-mail so I can invite you. I would LOVE to catch up. I hope you don't mind me checking out your cute blog! my e-mail is jessmoon19@hotmail.com I would LOVE to hear from you!