22 January 2009

It's True!

We are having a baby! I guess I should officially announce it on the blog since I have the little widget of a floating baby-yes I am pregnant and due June 27, 2009, 2 days before Justin's birthday. I am 18 weeks right now so that's about 1/2 way. CrAZy! It has gone by so fast. This pregnancy has been quite a bit different than Coop. I haven't been as sick but now it is mostly at night. I'm ready for bed at like 10 o'clock! We are going to find out what it is Feb. 4th. Cooper doesn't know what is going on yet. I tell him, "Mommy has a baby in her tummy!" and he looks at my stomach and says, "Where'd it go?" So, maybe when the baby gets bigger but that would be a pretty hard concept for such a little kid! The baby is moving quite a bit now which I love-that's the best part about being pregnant. We are excited and wanted to share the news!

Baby's first picture (abt 10wks). Cute huh? It is a profile with the head on the left, little tummy, and one little leg. Can't wait to meet them!


Connie Onnie said...

Congrats!!! I love blogs so that way I can find out exciting news like this.

Justin and Coralie said...

You are a blogging machine! And I love the ultrasound picture. It's pretty clear for 10 weeks! :) how fun.

Andrea said...

I can't wait to meet my new neice or nephew! we are really excited for you guys. I'm glad you're feeling pretty good. we miss you guys lots.

Wakefield Family said...

I love it. Porter gives my belly kisses every night and tells his baby brother he loves him. It took a long while though.:) Congrats

{Anne} said...

And oh my heck...congratulations! That is so exciting! How fun for little Cooper to be a big brother!