21 January 2009

We're BaAck!

Alright, I have been the biggest slacker with this blogging thing but we finally got a new computer (before Christmas but that can count as "just" right?) so that we can download the pics directly onto it. Before we had an ancient laptop from the 1990's so that is a major improvement. So, hopefully now that things have settled down after the holidays we can start the blogging once again. Lots has happened and we've done tons of fun stuff this summer and winter but I won't try to catch up or I will never get to the present. Anyway, we are finally back and ready for action. Sorry to those of you who lost interest like 6mos ago when we kind of fell into the black hole! But enjoy


Anderson Family said...

Lindy! I just checked your blog today and noticed you are expecting!! Congrats! I am actually due June 19th.... a week before ya. When do you find out what you are having??
Oh... and I set my blog to private... if you can't see it, email me at vanna31@hotmail.com!