07 February 2012
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 1:06 PM 2 comments
18 January 2012
Second cast
AAAhhhhh.....nice warm bath after 2 months!
Getting her oxygen checked in our room before the cast
Happy little nakie!
Cute in her little gown
Mom and Ave. They wouldn't have had to poke my head 11 times to find a vein! yikes
The doctors and nurses up there are pretty amazing and take really good care of us. We are done until after the baby comes (unless she falls in the tub again!) so we'll see how it goes with new baby in the mix to.
Just some stuff I want to remember: We were watching Utah Gymnastics on Sunday and the kids thought it was pretty cool and kept doing 'back bends' and 'front bends' that's why she thought it was so great when the elephant did it. She was standing on my lap while we were waiting and wanted to do a back bend so I held her and she did. She hasn't done it without the cast on and her back popped like four times. She gave me the cutest scaredest face I have ever seen her make and about cried! I think it shocked her so much! She wanted a love and wouldn't do another one after that!
She was much happier this time when she woke up and hardly cried at all. I was expecting a meltdown like last time but I think she was just used to the cast so it wasn't as big of a deal.
She teases and will say things like milk, juice, milk, juice so you don't know what she wants and she did that when they were asking her what color she wanted. pink, purple, pink, purple so they did purple with a pink stripe around her belly. Little stinker
And she looked so tiny after getting the cast off on Monday. She wasn't a little football player, which actually comes in handy sometimes when you have an older brother. I snuggled her as much as I could because it felt so good to have her be so soft and cuddley. We kept the cast and knew it was heavy but couldn't believe how heavy! It has to weigh about 5lbs and when you only weigh 24lbs that's a lot to carry around!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 8:38 PM 9 comments
14 January 2012
And it happened...
When we first got Ava's cast I wondered how we were going to keep the thing dry for 3 months straight. I mean, she's 2. Nothing else really needs to be said. But we have done pretty good. We survived the 3 days of barf without getting too much on the cast, we haven't had food or drink spilled that got it wet, and not too many incidents with poop or pee getting all over it. So, with 2 weeks to go I thought we were pretty much home free. And then I put Coop in the tub. Ava likes to come play in the bathroom while he's in there but we haven't had any problems until yesterday. The little basketball was just a little bit too far away from her and while I was turned the other way washing Coop's hair I suddenly had feet up by my arm where a head used to be. She was in, cast and all! Luckily I pulled her out before the back of it got wet but the whole front side was pretty much soaked. So, needless to say we spent quite awhile last night with the blow dryer and one naked little Ava trying to dry it. We changed the shirt underneath last night and today so we'll see how much it dries out. If not she may get a longer break inbetween casts than we thought. Oh my. Well, at least it didn't happen 2 months ago!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 12:18 PM 0 comments
That's why Heavenly Father sent me
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 12:11 PM 1 comments
08 January 2012
2010 ChRisTmaS
Christmas was awesome! December was a busy month. We had 5 Christmas parties 5 nights in a row, the live nativity in Alping which is always so amazing, got all the shopping done (because despite the fact I say I will get it done before December every year, it never happens), and were able to spend some good times with family and friends. I love Christmas. It's even better with little kids. They had fun buying gifts for each other and we had an elf on the shelf that watched them for the month of December. They loved getting up to find him every morning. Cooper helped me make the caramel for some yummy turtles that we took to neighbors. It was a great month!
A car kit Coop got at our big family party
Ava got Squinkies. She loved them but I don't know where any of them are now. They are about the size of a penny
Mmmm...! Enjoying a red velvet cupcake at Justin's Grandpa's party
Coop and the cousins watching the train at Grandpa's
Grandpa Brent helping Coop with the train
Reindeer food one of my cute neighbors gave us. Oats and sprinkles. They sprinkled it on the lawn Christmas Eve to attract the reindeer
Sprinkling the reindeer food
Ava's desk, crayons, and colored pencils from Santa. Perfect! It's just her size. She asks me to color at least 10 times a day so now she has her own little spot. Notice the pink and puple crayons in her hand. They are her favorite. We've got a girly, girl!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 4:39 PM 1 comments
05 January 2012
At 30 weeks...
So, at 30 weeks I am feeling pretty good. I feel like I did at about 38 weeks with Cooper and I can't believe I still have 2 1/2 more months! Hopefully she won't be a 10 pounder but that's sure what it feels like. I am starting to feel like if something doesn't get done before she comes then it will never happen. I think I've been driving Justin nuts about getting beds for the girls, painting, cleaning out the garage and the basement and getting rid of all the junk in the house. So, I feel totally unprepared at the moment and ready to be done at the same time. So, even though it's not very comfortable and I feel like I weigh 300lbs, I am grateful for the opportunity every time I feel her move. 10 more weeks!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 8:47 PM 5 comments
09 December 2011
Bye, bye baby bye, bye
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 12:14 PM 3 comments
01 December 2011
Holy journal entry!
So, guess what?! Thanks to the young women needing pictures from my camera, I finally buckled down and figured out what the deal was. It took a call to customer service (luckily they weren't in India and I could actually understand them), a few minutes online and bam! My pictures are now on my computer! So, even though there is lots to catch up on, I am going to start with the most recent. Life has been a bit crazy the past few weeks. I mentioned in the last post that Ava has scoliosis so after many failed attempts to schedule a cast to help because she kept getting colds, it finally happened.
The hospital scheduled the cast and it ended up being that Justin was out of town that day for work. Yikes, I really didn't want to do it without him seeing as they would have to use general anesthesia but that's just when they could do it. Ava actually ended up getting another cold and me, thinking they would cancel it again because of the cold, didn't get a babysitter for Cooper. Well, the pre-op nurse said to come to the hospital anyway the next morning to have the anesthesiologist check her to see if they would be able to do it. So, the next morning Justin left for the aiport at 4:00 and I had to get the kids up at 5 and drive to Salt Lake to be at the hospital by 6. AM that is. They checked Ava in and took us to her room. We got x-rays, they took pictures of her back so we would be able to see the before and after, we put her in her little tiny gown and then waited for the anesthesiologist. The hospitla is awesome. Ava and Cooper got a stuffed animal with sunglasses, Ava got a princess coloring book and new crayons, Cooper got matchbox cars and a lego car to play with. The anesthesiologist came in to see if Ava's cold was too bad to do the cast. He had her do a breathing treatment and decided her lungs may be clear enough to do it. While they do the cast there is a little while where they can't breathe very well because it is too tight until they cut a hole in it, that's why it is so crucial she can breathe well before. So, they went ahead. Part of me was hoping they would cancel because I really, really wanted Justin there, and it was going to be such a long day for Coop, and I know it needs to be done but really? Who wants to see their baby girl in a cast from shoulders to hip?
I didn't get any pictures after she came back from recovery. A little busy you know? I will have to take one of what the cast looks like. It's purple of course! So, despite the major inconvenience we are really blessed to have such talented doctors so close to us. Her doctor was one of very few in the country who are willing to do this. They usually go to surgery. Yikes! There was no cutting and i was still a mess! People come from Canada and Japan to get this done by her doctor. Wow! We are blessed
Last bath before the cast, we had to make it special with bubbles and extra long!
In her little gown getting her blood pressure checked with big brother by her side
Playing with the new toys before getting the cast. They made out like bandits!
Filling up the cars with gas in the playroom. I love that smile!
Being sick a few days after. This is pretty much what she did all day. Throw up and sleep. poor kid!
Whew! That was long! We also had an awesome Thanksgiving, Justin and I were able to go to Park City for a night and enjoy a fancy dinner at Ruth's Chris (yummy), a little shopping at the outlets, and some quiet stress free time! Much needed. We are also in the process of selling our beloved Toyota Tacoma because we can't fit 3 in there. Kids that is. Because we are having a baby girl! Due in March in case you didn't know. So, that's what we are up to. What about you?
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 8:23 PM 9 comments
06 May 2011
It's been awhile...
So, I'm pretty sure I don't have any followers seeing as I haven't posted in about a year. Wow that has gone by fast! I just want to remind myself about what's going on with the kiddos and us. Coop is now 4!! Holy moly. He still LOVES riding his motorcycle and bike. He goes off a 6" jump with both and has figured out how to jump up the curb with his bike. Which I still am too scared to do. He loves digging in the dirt, fixing things, taking things apart, and playing with/bugging Ave, and playing hide and seek. We had a special trip to d.i. just to find stuff to take apart. My favorite thing to do with him is lay down and talk to him right before he goes to bed. Finding out what his favorite part about the day was, and seeing it through his eyes. There's always something I never even noticed that he thought was hilarious or interesting. And questions, always questions about the world around him. He's either very helpful and kind and willing to share or he's doing everything in his power to drive you nuts. He is shy and daring, interested and funny. We love him a bunch! He's our favorite little guy.
Ava is almost 2 which is so crazy because I swear I was in the hospital and staying up all night yesterday! We call her our sassafrass (even the neighbor kid knows she's sassy) and she is a total girl! She loves to try on shoes and put bows in her hair and will tell you whether or not she likes them, by shaking her head because we're discovering she's a bit stubborn and does things only on her time. We found out her Scoliosis has gotten worse (fyi she has scoliosos) so instead of a brace she will have to have a cast. We got two opinions just to make sure. She is saying Mama, Dad, bubbles, ball, hi, dog, bober (something like that, it means Cooper), Devin, more, no (her favorite), ouch. There are a few more but I can't think of what I'm missing. She signs please, fishy, snake, candy, drink, all done, dog, milk. She's a mama's girl and is pretty particular about who she'll go to. Nursery-not so much. She loves babies and little kids and likes to follow them around and laugh at them. She makes us laugh all the time and has the cutest smile and laugh! She gets really excited and yells every time we play hide and seek and she can hear Cooper coming to get her.
As for us...Not too exciting! Justin is fixing exercise equipment and working some crazy hours. We (Lindy, my friend, and her husband that is) planted our first tree in our yard! Yeah!! I smile every time I see it. And we are getting our garden ready to plant! Sometime in the future is a playground and sandbox. Sometime...
Anyway, that's just for me. They are so much fun! They miss each other when the other one is gone and are best friends. We love them like crazy!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 11:22 PM 6 comments
26 June 2010
For Great Grandma Olsen
(This is really long)
Ava can scoot! She learned this about 1 1/2 months ago and it's so cute! This is how she get around now and my suspicions about her being the one that gets into everything have been confirmed! She loves eating paper and playing with doorstops. Time to baby proof again!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 12:23 PM 6 comments
22 May 2010
Two Wheels BABY!
Cooper's 3rd day riding a two-wheeler. Didn't take him long to pick up some tricks. Going off the curb is his favorite! He got a little bit more graceful putting the bike down. Now he keeps asking to take the training wheels off his motorcycle so he can go up big hills. Cooper is our retirement plan, we're banking he's got some mad motocross skills also!
He had been riding for five minutes max. Holy cow I can't believe he's so big. Love this kid! Don't you love Ava's bike? She's ready to go to!
FYI: He's at our neighbor's house. Our house is the white one in the background-for those of you who are wondering. (Andrea that is your lot right behind us. OUR neighbors are really nice, I know you'll love it)
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 9:33 PM 5 comments
01 May 2010
Ava @ 10 Mos is...
I know I did an update not too long ago on Ava, this is just for my own remembering because Heaven knows I need all the help I can get!
Nicknames for Ava at the moment: Lil' Ave, A-V-A, baby Ava, Ava Bava, Sweetpea.
Some of your favorite things: FOOD! watching Cooper play, anything small enough to put in your mouth, Mom, sitting in big kid chairs, and oh yea FOOD. It's a wonder you're so small
Ava you are honestly the best baby ever! The only time I hear a peep out of you is if you are hungry-and then it's just grunts or Cooper is being too friendly. Yep, that's pretty much it. Oh, or if my hands are cold when I'm changing your clothes! That is about it. I can't believe how content and happy you are. You give me a smile everytime you see me, yes everytime and I can't get enough of it. I just want to squeeze you and keep you like this forever. I know you're smart because you sit quietly and observe so much. You are saying Mama, Dada, and Hi but without the 'i', and waving.
Some new things that you're learning: You will sit on your bum and move your feet until you've gone in a full 360 degree circle to see what or who is around. You have been so laid back that if a toy was out of reach it was no big deal. Great for temperament, not so much for learning to get around! But you are now wanting to get moving a little more. You are trying to scoot on your bum but it's hard on the carpet. You are also starting to stand for a few seconds on your own! Yeah! You are rolling everywhere and we are working on those abs so you can go from laying to sitting. You have two new teeth and you know how to use them! Food is your favorite! You can eat nearly a whole packet of instant oatmeal. I usually split one between you and Cooper and you eat yours and then finish off half of Coop's because he is 'full' ie wants to play.
Cooper is still your best friend and is pretty much the only one who can make you belly laugh and he thinks that's great. Even though he realizes you are never leaving, he's now realizing you are somebody he can play with to.
I love that you are just happy and have no worries. I wish I could keep you this unaware forever but I fear the day will come when you realize not everything's perfect. So, I will keep you in my arms and kiss you as much as I can so that maybe when that time comes, it won't matter so much. We love you and can't get enough of you!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 6:24 PM 5 comments
27 April 2010
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 10:29 PM 1 comments
GoOD cLeaN fUn
That's my boy! He's always digging, building,and figuring out how things work. This plant is his usual building ground. I have found him here quite a bit during the day. You never know what they'll come up with!
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 9:57 PM 3 comments
23 April 2010
I've had many entertaining conversations with Cooper while we were driving in the car but I think this one tops them all!
Coop: Look at those horses!
Me: What horses? (We were on the freeway so it was a quick glance)
M: Oh! (Shock)
C: What was that horse doin Mom?! (Lots of laughing)
M: Maybe it's getting a piggyback (also lots of laughing)
C: Why's it so tired? (laughing) It's gettin' a ride on the other horse! (laughing)
The above repeated until we got home with lots and lots of laughing on both ends. We had to call Justin and tell him about the funny horses getting a piggy back ride. Who needs the discovery channel?
Posted by Justin and Lindy at 4:50 PM 3 comments